Dr. Mark Boda was featured on two podcasts to discuss various sections of the Old Testament.

On December 16th, he joined Sabeth Kapahu of Bible + Pop Culture, an online collaborative community for honest exploration of authentic Christianity through pop culture. Watch the video here for their discussion on relationship, hope, and Immanuel as found throughout the scriptures, especially looking at Haggai.

Alumnus, Jennifer Jones (PhD ’20), co-host of Two Christians and a Jew, joined Dr. Mark Boda to discuss the prophecy of Zechariah, specifically chapter 4, with the vision of the Golden Lamp (menorah), and its connection to Chanukah. Check out the podcast here. Two Christians and a Jew (2C1J) is a podcast co-hosted by two Christians, Frank and Jen, and a Jew, Meir. Together, they invite guests to discuss how to read Hebrew Scriptures differently and what difference it makes for our lives.


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