MDC is excited to announce the launch of its Centre for Post-Christendom Studies website. Three of our faculty will be directing this Centre, Dr. Lee Beach, Dr. Gord Heath, and Dr. Steve Studebaker.
According to Stuart Murray, “Post-Christendom is the culture that emerges as the Christian faith loses coherence within a society that has been definitively shaped by the Christian story and as the institutions that have been developed to express Christian convictions decline in influence.” This description aptly describes the cultures of many nation-states in the West. As a result, the term ‘post-Christendom’ has often been used synonymously with the decline of the Christendom inaugurated by Constantine in the fourth century. The Centre for Post-Christendom Studies is interested in exploring the historical and contemporary decline of Christian influence within our current global setting.
To reach the website, click here.