On October 1, a number of MDC students and faculty will be presenting their research at the 4th Annual Meeting of the ETS Ontario/Quebec Region. The meeting will focus on ‘Trinity & Gender’ and will be held in Cambridge, ON.
Participants are listed below:

Justin Roberts: “Hyperdulia: On the Preeminent Holiness of Mary and the Invisible Father”

Bradley K. Broadhead: “The Neglected Role of Analogy in Linking Intra-Trinitarian Relations with Human Relations”

Darlene Seal: “Participation with Christ: A New Status and a New Role for a New People”

Tat-Yu Lam: “A Linguistic View of 1 Thessalonians 2:13-16 as the “Hopeful Endurance” of the Pauline Triad in 1 Thessalonians 1:-3”

David Fuller: Chair of New Testament Christology session

Caroline Schleier Cutler: “The Use of the Book of Wisdom in Hebrews 1:3 and Its Christological Implications”

David I. Yoon: “Jesus’ Christology and the Samaritan Woman: A Contextual Discourse Analysis of John 4:1-42”

Kelvin F. Mutter: “Ephesians 5:21-33 as Christian Alternative Discourse”

Karl L. Armstrong: “Hupotássō in Ephesians 5:21-33: Linguistic and Historical Considerations”

David J. Fuller: “The Theme of Creation in Old Testament Theology: Retrospect and Prospect”

Sid D. Sudiacal: Martyrdom Stories: Stories of Encouragement, Stories of Subversion”

Dr. Cynthia Westfall, Plenary address on “Gender, Trinity, and Headship”

We wish our students and faculty the best as they present their work.


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