Saturday, September 14, 2013, marks the inaugural meeting of the ETS Ontario/Quebec Region. The event, to be held at Heritage Theological Seminary in Cambridge, Ontario, will discuss the theme “The Authority of the Bible for Today.” Plenary speakers include Dr. Stanley E. Porter, President and Dean of McMaster Divinity College and Dr. David Robinson, Associate Pastor at Westminster Chapel in Toronto, ON.Besides the event serving as the inaugural regional meeting, it is a delight to McMaster Divinity College that nine of the seventeen papers presented in parallel sessions are by McMaster Divinity College students. Those presentations are as follows:Bradley K. Broadhead — Corporation or Jazz Jam? A Scriptural Evaluation of Two Contemporary Models of EcclesiologyAdam Stewart Brown — Confessional Hermeneutics: Old Testament Biblical Studies within Broader Christian TheologyDavid J. Fuller — Joseph’s Enslavement of the Egyptians in Gen 47:13-26 in the Context of the Pentateuchal Slave LawsBenjamin J. Montoya — Theological Interpretation of Scripture and the Authority of Scripture: An Examination of the Communal ConstraintAndrew Rozalowsky — Does Inspiration Favour a Certain Translation Philosophy? Assessing Grudem’s Linguistic AssumptionsJennifer Shack — C. F. W. Walther’s Thesis VIII on Ministry: Is it (still) Scriptural?Phillip David Strickland — The Disciplinary Necessity of Biblical Theology for the Study of the New Testament and Early Christianity: A ProposalAdam Z. Wright — The Imaginative SpiritDavid I. Yoon — The Semantic Fallacies of Annihilationism: Rethinking the Biblical Evidence for Eternal Punishment