MDC is pleased to welcome Dr. Craig Price, a visiting professor from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. Get to know a little more about Craig in our interview below:
Q: Tell us a bit about yourself; where are you coming from, places you’ve studied at/taught at previously etc.
A: I am a Professor of New Testament and Greek at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, where I am also the Associate Dean of Online Learning.  I currently occupy the Robert Hamblin Chair of New Testament Exposition.   Previously, I studied at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary for my PhD and MDiv.  As Associate Dean of Online Learning, I oversee the online courses at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, which began in the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Katrina after our campus was lost in the flood.  Our campus wasn’t able to reopen until the following year, but we didn’t lose a semester as a result of the flood.
Q: What is the subject of your research here?
A: I am here to study SFL (Systemic Functional Linguistics) with Dr. Stanley Porter.
Q: Why did you choose to come to McMaster Divinity College for this part of your research leave?
A: Because this is the SFL epicenter!  I had been aware of McMaster Divinity College before, and I had previously served as a reader (external examiner) for an MDC student’s PhD dissertation, but largely came to know McMaster Divinity College’s reputation through a former student who had been studying SFL and Verbal Aspect under Dr. Porter.
Q: What parts of life at MDC have you been participating in since arriving?
A: I’ve attended the weekly Chapel services, sat in on Dr. Christopher Land’s class on Romans, Dr. Porter’s Linguistic Modelling class, orientation day, the Student, Staff, and Faculty retreat, the DSA lunch, the Theological Research Seminar, and I’ve been getting to know students through discussion and fellowship. 
Q: Any Additional Comments?
A: What has really impressed me about MDC is the spirit of camaraderie, especially with regards to research.  I’ve seen students helping students as well as professors helping students.  The student body has a genuine, caring spirit that I just love.  I also love the diversity of students at MDC. There are students from every sector of the world, but also every sector of Christianity.  I really appreciate the openness of inquiry here.

Dr. Craig Price will be speaking in Chapel on Monday, October 3rd. Join us at 2pm!


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