Practical Workshop
Everyone serves, everyone belongs
Cara Milne (M-Powered Planning Ltd)
This workshop is designed for congregations, leaders or volunteers who support youth and adults with disabilities within faith communities. Cara Milne of M-Powered Planning will give usable and practical information so that congregations can feel confident in how to begin to support all people to belonging.
Cara Milne is the owner of M-Powered Planning Ltd, a Calgary award-winning business that has been promoting positive and valuable roles for people with disabilities for over 20 years. Cara’s books and training seminars encourage faith communities and families to see the strengths of their existing services, and simple strategies that create positive changes in the lives of children and adults with developmental disabilities. Cara’s positive and energetic approach supports both common sense and sustainable change.
Cara is the proud author of the popular book Building Community. Her second highly anticipated book Noticed, Known and Missed is Cara’s gift back to the individuals and families who have supported her along the way.