Parallel Session A: Pilgrimage & Distant Lands
“The Practice of Pilgrimage in Early Christianity”
Sarah Russell, McMaster Divinity College
Charlotte McNamee, Boston College Clough School of Theology and Ministry
“World of Spices and Roots of Christianity in India – St. Thomas Tradition”
Binu Binoy Cherian, McMaster Divinity College
Emma Yaeger, University of Chicago
Parallel Session B: St. Augustine & Christian Orthodoxy
“Harmonious Diversity: The Septuagint in Augustine’s Hermeneutic”
Justin Myers, Southeastern Theological Baptist Seminary
Nathan Alexander Scott, Wycliffe College
“‘What No Heresy Ever Dared to Say’: The Christology of the Pelagian Controversy”
Seung Heon (Hosea) Sheen, Regent College
“Pax Deorum or Peace of Christ? Homogeneity vs. Orthodoxy in the Works of Eusebius of Caesarea”
Kate Tang, Western Theological Seminary
Parallel Session C: The Second Century
“Taking Up the Epistle: The Intertextual Dynamic of Love in 1 Clement 46-54”
Ross Macdonald, Southern Baptist Theological School
“Unity and Imitation: The Eucharist, Martyrdom, and the Cult of the Saints in the Ignatian Epistles”
Matthew Hudson, McMaster Divinity College
Breck Frauenholtz, Colorado Christian University
Paul Robinson, McMaster Divinity College
Parallel Session D: Women & Mystagogy in Early Christianity
“The Acts of Paul and Thecla on the Role of Women in Early Christian Expansion”
Mark Musatau, Assemblies of God Theological Seminary
“The Missing Mothers of the Church: Exploring the Absence of Women’s Voices in Patristic Literature”
Alice Candy, University of Ottawa
“Irenaeus, Women, and Spiritual Abuse”
Renzo Diaz, Reformed Theological Seminary
“Cyril of Jerusalem and Rites of Christian Initiation in His Mystagogy”
Jonathan Germain, McMaster Divinity College
Parallel Session E: Irenaeus of Lyons
“Irenaeus and the Adamic Covenant: Applying Ancient Hermeneutics to a Persistent Protestant Issue”
Brendan M. DePhillippeaux, McMaster Divinity College
“Theodicy Reconsidered: Irenaeus, Imperfection, and the Destiny of Creation”
Robert Mackey, Reformed Theological Seminary
“Deprived of Continuance for Ever: The Fate of the Reprobate in Irenaeus”
Bradley Jensen, Asbury Theological Seminary
Li-Wei Liu, Wycliffe College
Parallel Session F: Key Developments in Early Christian Theology
“Homo capax dei. The Development of a Pattern in Origen’s Thought”
Benoît Benhamou, Aix Marseille Université
“A Physical Anthropology: Death and Resurrection in St. Aphrahat’s Demonstrations”
Michael St. Marie, Western Theological Seminary
“Noetic Purification in Response to Psychological Crises in the Greek Ascetic Corpus of Evagrius”
Kenneth Risk, St. Augustine’s Seminary of Toronto
Jack Booker, Western Theological Seminary