Session A: The Cappadocian Fathers
Basil of Caesarea on the Image and Likeness of God
Michael St. Marie, Whitworth University
Union and Transformation: The Dual Meaning of Theosis in Gregory of Nazianzus
Rev. Marcus Lane, Trinity School for Ministry
A Troubled Church Seeks Knowledge: Mount Sinai in the Orations of Gregory of Nazianzus
Daniel Opperwall, Trinity College, University of Toronto
Session B: Seeking Holy Wholeness
The Cross of Christ and the Recapitulation of Trauma: A Trauma-Informed Consideration of Irenaeus on Humanity, Sin, and Salvation
Jonathan D. Boerger, McMaster Divinity College
Toward an Oriental Orthodox Understanding of the (Un)createdness of Grace: A Patristic Approach informed by Biblical Exegesis and Liturgical Theology
Andrew Youssef, Trinity College, University of Toronto
Paul the Mystical Theologian: Symeon the New Theologian’s Interpretation of Paul
Scott Mason, Wycliffe College, University of Toronto
Session C: Looking West
Economy and Creation: The Role of Theological Hermeneutics in Irenaeus’ Creation Theology of Growth
Brendan DePhillippeaux, McMaster Divinity College
To Know All Things: Tertullian’s Treatment of the Regula Fidei in Prescription Against Heretics
Jonathan Germain, McMaster Divinity College
Narrative Rule of Faith in Augustine’s De Vera Religione
Tom Holsteen, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
St. Augustine’s ‘Number Pneumatology’
Seung Heon Sheen, Regent College
Session D: Origen
The Angelic Language of Heaven’s Book: Origen’s Homilia in Genesis 1 as an Astrological Allegory
Nathan Scott, Wycliffe College, University of Toronto
Allegorical Interpretive Methods of Origen and Philo and Their Impact on Christianity’s Identity in Relation to Judaism
Charlotte McNamee, Gordon College
Liturgy as Eros: Extending Origen into Liturgy
Karim Guirguis, Trinity College, University of Toronto
The Saving Wound’: The Concept of Eros in Origen’s Commentary of The Song of Songs
Michelle Ying Cao, Wycliffe College, University of Toronto